Franklin Mint Silver

Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set

Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set

Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set    Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set
Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set. Precious Metal Content per Unit. This set was produced by the Franklin Mint and contains fifty 24k gold-plated 1000 grain (2 oz) sterling silver medallions. The stories these medallions tell are all major events ranging from man first controlling fire in 400,000 BC all the way to pilgrims beginning colonization of New England in 1620. These medallions are all in uncirculated condition and contained in plastic capsules. This book has 5 pages with 10 medallions each.

The album has some scuff marks and other general usage wear. It comes with its original COA.

Prehistoric Man Learns to Control Fire Agriculture Improves Man's Supply and Living Conditions Development of Wheel Inspires Growth of Mechanized Civilization Egyptians Build World's First Nation Along the Nile Cuneiform Gives Man First Complete System of Writing Code of Hammurabi Establishes Rules of Justice Greeks Create Foundation for Western Literature The Founding of Rome - The Eternal City Cyrus the Great Establishes The Persian Empire Confucius Teachings Form the Basis for Eastern Philosophy. Buddha Introduces the Tenets of Buddhism Greek Civilization Saved at Battle of Marathon Plato and Aristotle Develop Western Moral Philosophy Alexander Defeats Persians at Battle of Arbela The Great Wall Protects Newly Unified China Rome Triumphs Over Carthage in the Battle of Zama Julius Caesar Prepares the way for the Roman Empire Battle of Actium Marks the Rise of the Roman Empire The Ministry of Jesus Lays Foundation for Christian Law Conversion of Paul Leads to the Growth of Christianity. Jerusalem is Destroyed and the Jews Lose Their Homeland Invention of Paper Fosters Written Communication The Vision of Constantine Leads to Christianity in Europe Rome Falls to the Barbarians Justinian Code Clarifies Roman Law Islam Unites the Peoples of the Middle East Charles Martel Repulses Moslem Invasion of Gaul Chinese Encourage Learning With Invention of Block Printing Coronation of Charlemagne Revives Western European Empire Battle of Hastings Leads to the Norman Conquest of England. Pope Urban II Influences the First Crusade Magna Carta Limits the Power of English Monarchs Mongols Invade Europe Chartres Cathedral Exemplifies Gothic Architecture Marco Polo's Journey to Cathay Links East and West Dante Writes his Great Work - "The Divine Comedy" The Black Death Disrupts the Feudal System Joan of Arc Rallies the French Fall of Constantinople Initiates Renaissance in Europe Gutenberg's Invention of Movable Type Stimulates Learning. Medici Family Encourages Growth of European Culture Columbus Voyage to the New World Opens Age of Exploration Cortes Conquers the Aztec Empire Magellan's Expedition Circumnavigates The World Henry VIII Establishes the Church of England Copernicus Changes Man's Concept of the Universe Defeat of the Spanish Armada Saves England from invasion Shakespeare Creates his Great Literacy Legacy Pilgrims Begin Colonization of New England Romanov Dynasty Established in Russia. If you have questions about this item please send us a message.

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Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set    Vintage Franklin Mint Medallic History of Mankind Vol. 1 Silver Medal Proof Set